Achieve optimal asset allocation with
data-driven decisions
Achieve optimal asset allocation
InvestSet Asset Comparator
Our free tool for financial professionals compare assets and run backtests.
Get easy access to all the data you need to know to make your decision. Check returns, risk, fees and several other metrics from thousands of assets. You can also generate full reports and send them to your colleagues and clients.
InvestSet Asset Comparator
Our free tool for financial professionals compare assets and run backtests.
Get easy access to all the data you need to know to make your decision. Check returns, risk, fees and several other metrics from thousands of assets. You can also generate full reports and send them to your colleagues and clients.
InvestSet Asset Comparator
Our free tool for financial professionals compare assets and run backtests.
Get easy access to all the data you need to know to make your decision. Check returns, risk, fees and several other metrics from thousands of assets. You can also generate full reports and send them to your colleagues and clients.
InvestSet Asset Comparator
Our free tool for financial professionals compare assets and run backtests.
Get easy access to all the data you need to know to make your decision. Check returns, risk, fees and several other metrics from thousands of assets. You can also generate full reports and send them to your colleagues and clients.
InvestSet white Label
The best financial tools integrated into your platform.
You can promote a cutting-edge digital experience to your customers – without having the risks and costs to develop your own platform.
All the tools and features can be customized to your needs.
InvestSet Uno
Analyze the financial market with a comprehensive set of tools and a qualified database.
The best option for professionals managing complex portfolios. Carry out multiple scenarios to back test your investment strategies and provide robust portfolios to your clients. Consolidate and interact with the total wealth in a simple and intuitive way.

InvestSet White Label
The best financial tools integrated into your platform.
You can promote a cutting-edge digital experience to your customers – without having the risks and costs to develop your own platform.
All the tools and features can be customized to your needs.
InvestSet Uno

Analyze the financial market with a comprehensive set of tools and a qualified database.
The best option for professionals managing complex portfolios. Carry out multiple scenarios to backtest your investment strategies and provide robust portfolios to your clients. Consolidate and interact with the total wealth in a simple and intuitive way.
Our free tool for financial professionals compare assets and run backtests.
Get easy access to all the data you need to know to make your decision. Check returns, risk, fees and several other metrics from thousands of assets. You can also generate full reports and send them to your colleagues and clients.
InvestSet Asset Comparator
The best financial tools integrated into your platform.
You can promote a cutting-edge digital experience to your customers – without having the risks and costs to develop your own platform.
All the tools and features can be customized to your needs.
InvestSet White Label
Analyze the financial market with a comprehensive set of tools and a qualified database.
The best option for professionals managing complex portfolios. Carry out multiple scenarios to backtest your investment strategies and provide robust portfolios to your clients. Consolidate and interact with the total wealth in a simple and intuitive way.
InvestSet Uno

Exclusive AI tecnology

Reliable Database

Investment Analytics

Performance measures

Compliance with regulation

Exclusive AI tecnology

Investment Analytics

Performance measures

Global asset classes

Reliable Database

Compliance with regulation
Unfortunately no. InvestSet is suited for professionals from financial markets, such as asset managers, bankers, brokers, advisors and so on.
You can consult funds, stocks, ETFs, fixed income instruments, indexes, and currencies. You can also insert custom assets types like real state properties.
You can send us a message to arrange a meeting where we can discuss your needs. Send an e-mail to or fill our contact form here.